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ChainMaille for all Occasions and for
those occasions when only ChainMaille will do.

106 Speegle Court
Cedar Creek, Tx 78612-3911

Mail.gif (4196 bytes) Email Lord Randolph or
Jane Markham or
Jo Woolam

Lord Randolph's Pictorial diary of Chainmaille Fashions the 2008 Bristol Renaissance Festival week 9 Aug. 30,31 and September 1

It is September 10th as I sit here recalling the last few weeks. it has been stressful but the chain gang is back together and it all seems more manageable.
I had been feeling a little "off" for a few days but on Tuesday the 26th I began in earnest passing a kidney stone and did not finish until Sunday night. Nothing makes it better and resting only focuses you on the pain so I worked as best i could. The only good thing you can say about it is when it is over it is like a switch was thrown. Within 15 minutes of the pain stopping I had eaten a meal and was asleep (I had done neither in 3 or 4 days). Monday after 9 hours sleep and a big breakfast I was on the biggest longest manic high of my life! I had pliers in hand from 8:30 to after 7 and was both productive and creative.
Saturday we dealt with a little drama and had Paul and others from security in our back area for 3 hours! it seems we were conned earlier in the show when one young lady (19) who had dressed before talked her thirteen year old girlfriend into dressing. To get around needing to have parental approval and escort they talked a guy at the bar into "playing father" the thirteen year old used the dudes last name and address info to signup.
Saturday the two girls returned with younguns mother and for some reason I cannot fathom youngun showed mom photos from the first time. 13 can not dress again until 18 and 19 can not dress until after 13 does I don't know what Paul did with old dude but he never came back out the front and was not seen again the rest of the weekend.
Our new procedure with minors is
1. Consent note will be written on the back of the signup sheet
2. Parent license will be recorded
3. a photo of parent with dressed child to show implied approval

Paul can be scary I don't envy any of the three

The final tally puts us down another 5% from last year (8 straight years of decline) with is down 60% from the peak years of the late 90's and 2000. Do not worry we were still able to retire 15% of our "Older than a year" credit card debt and expect to retire another 15% before season is over. We would continue the show even if it only broke even but do expect things to improve.

For a couple of weeks I did have hopes of one-day retiring. My cousin RJ called to tell us that an Oil Company had contacted him who said our Grandmother owned mineral rights to land in Colorado 1 mile from a new strike and they wanted to partner with us! Unfortunately we determined it was the right name but the wrong woman. I will be working until the good lord calls me from labor.

After we closed on Monday most of the crew stayed an extra hour and got us mostly packed down but it still took until Friday afternoon for Jo and I to close the booth and start the drive to Minnesota and Jane. it was after dark when we arrived

The Bristol Renaissance Festival is owned and produced by the Renaissance Entertainment Productions, 12550 120th Ave., Kenosha, WI 53142, or call (847)395-7773. online visit http://www.renfair.com
The Bristol Renaissance Festival web site

Amanda Jones
Carol Baker
Megan Camper
Karl Heinitz
Matt Lankey
Tom Christensen
Mark Hagert
Julie Wesla
Deidre May
Heather Van Welde
Laurel Johnson
Cheryl Beese
Maryam Paine
Maryam Paine
Charles Armstrong

ChainMall . . |. . Coin Mall . . |. . Tbacks . . | . . Accessories . | . Armor. | . Itinerary . . | . . Diary . .

Email Randolph or call toll free

ChainMaille and Lord Randolph are trademarks of
ChainMaille Fashions.
106 Speegle Court
Credar Creek, Texas 78612-3911
All other products mentioned are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to mailto:randolph@chainmail.com].
Copyright © 2002 ChainMaille Fashions. All rights reserved.
Page  was last modified: July 2002.