Welcome to cmlogo

ChainMaille for all occasions and those occasions when only ChainMaille will do

This is a graphically oriented site (150 pages containing over 2000 images). click on any thumbnail for a better look.

Don't Fight it!
Simply the best mail in the world.

This page is a hub, if you get tired of going out to a page and back to get another page (or) if you got here from an external frame go here for full page frame index

How to make ChainMaille

HOW to make a Coif

supplies improved


Comic of Randolph At Work

Head pieces;

  1. Headbands
  2. Headdresses
  3. Brides & Grooms
  4. Coifs


    1. Coifs, (full coverage head gear)
    2. Vest,hauberks,
    3. Bishop's Mantles, Collars
    4. Cod pieces (men's ChainMaille t-backs)
    5. Couples in Maille
    6. Children in ChainMaille
    7. War Beasts: Animals in ChainMaille
    8. Collaborations with clients
    9. Group and parade pictures


    1. Hand flowers and Bracelets,
    2. Anklets,
    3. earrings,
    4. Waist chains,
    5. Belts

Body pieces:

a new tool for ordering a halter without actually meeting me

    1. Halters

  1. Dancing tops
  2. Petite
  3. medium
  4. Generous tops
  5. Sensational Tops
  6. Valkyrie Cups
  7. Long lines
  8. Skirts
  9. Corsets,
  10. Dresses and teddies
  11. T-backs



Austrian and Czechoslovakia Crystal colors and sizes

Care and cleaning of ChainMaille

Adult areas.
( nudity and fetish ware.)

What to expect if you come to fair to try on ChainMaille

Biographical material

Gallery (Submit)
your favorite chainmaille photos my work or
your work chainmail or related to chainmail.

ChainMaille Fashions Itinerary
with contact info on our renaissance Faires
